My most expensive mistake so far. What’s yours?

Today is day 12 of a 14-day family road trip, and nobody is awake yet. I promised myself I would actually unplug from the internet, which I have thus far, but a little sneak on to my laptop before everyone wakes up won’t hurt anything. Next weekend I have a fun retro-ish cooler box with plans to publish. Today is a lesson: “Things don’t always go as planned.”

This video covers the most expensive woodworking mistake I’ve made. I spent $1050 on FAS maple for butcher block tops. The tops turned out great but they didn’t make the cut when I put them in place. So now what? Time to chop up my work and turn lemons into lemonade.


    • It was from his own personal outdoor kitchen. Put it all together and wasn’t feeling the look of the red milk paint cabinets and legs with the maple tops. I think he went with epoxy tables like on chemistry lab tables. I can’t recall off the top of my head.

      • Ya i know that’s what it was from. I was just wondering if he ” wasn’t feeling it ” or a measuring error was the reason or there was another reason. Thanks for your input

  1. I was renovating my apartment within a four unit building I invested in. My brother and I had worked all day and were both over tired. We wanted to get the kitchen countertop completed and we measured and even said out loud that we have to cut the hole for the sink a little small for the sink to fit properly. Short answer, we cut the exact size of the sink and the sink dropped right through the hole rendering the special order countertop useless. Good part, I was able to salvage some of it for bathroom countertops. Kinda funny recalling it now, however, when I realized what we had done, I was almost sick to my stomach. When you are tired, you are more likely to make a mistake or hurt yourself. Time to take a breath and fight the fight the next day. Take care out there.

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