All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go..

All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go…

We’re moving. Well, we’ve already moved since recording this video. I’ve got my office setup in the garage of our bumper pull toy hauler, rocking two out of five bars of LTE cell phone mobile hotspot internet. Life is good :)

Phase-1 is complete. Phase-1 is as follows:

  • We have already established utilities on the in-between property. Uncle George offered one of his future hay pastures for us to call home for a few months. It’s an old house trailer spot in a VERY MUDDY pasture with a power pole, water meter, and a “hopefully” working septic system. We’re not sure if the septic is draining just yet, so we’re only dumping gray water at the moment. If the black tank gets full before verifying the septic works, we will have to get a portable tank of some kind and have it pumped occasionally.
  • We purchased a 40′ conex. I call it a shipping container, but due to my wife’s military background, she’s got me calling it a conex as well. We were unsure if we could fit everything in the conex but thought it was the best plan and that we would just FIO (figure it out!) when the time came. We ended up needing to use the empty shed that is conveniently located next to the camper spot and a little slice of the family tractor shed.
  • Sell the large equipment that presented the most challenges for storage and setting up again. In upcoming videos, I’ll discuss what didn’t make the cut and what will be replaced in the next shop. I have a lot of footage from breaking down the shop that I haven’t had a chance to edit.
  • Close on selling the house. I’m typing this article the day before we close and refuse to publish this article and video before the house is legally sold. I’ve been bitten by Murphy’s law too many times that I don’t want to say, “I’m going to do x-y-z,” and then something crazy stupid happens, and I have to eat my words. Not this time, Murphy. I’m waiting to close this chapter until you look away.

And that’s it. That’s Phase-1. And just like Murphy’s law regarding Phase-1, I’m not going into the nitty gritty about Phase-2 until one more milestone date has passed. But here’s the zoomed-out overview without the details:

  1. Phase-1 – Sell the house and get established on the in-between property.
  2. Phase-2 – Purchase the property and get established in the camper in the new shop.
  3. Phase-3 – Land development
  4. Phase-4 – Start the house shell, barn, equipment shed, or campsites (probably non-commercial). The order will be determined by urgency.


    • This video proves my theory that rooms look smaller when they are empty! Our new house looked tiny until we moved in our furniture.

      Good luck on the journey! Looking forward to following the process.

  1. Are you going to build a barndominium? They seem to be quite popular right now. Don’t forget Startlink for internet. I live on a farm and we had a tower built that our provider uses for the signal, but many of my friends are switching to Starlink.

  2. Jay this is for your daughter.
    Just and idea, or dream we had that never came together. “Clucking Ham Palace”, and name all the chicks with British Royalty. Queen Ann, Princess Diana etc.

  3. Its amazing just how far you have come. I remember your apartment workshop and I thought at the time if a young guy like him can make that situation work why the hell can’t I make my little two car garage work.
    I am over twenty years older than you and I consider you a mentor.
    I’m really looking forward to your shop design/build and set-up.
    Its great that you will have family so close. But remember you have so many family members from YouTube and this website…I hope you think of us as family also.
    Keep on keepin’ on Mr. Bates.

  4. Jay, I have been watching you since the “crappy” trailer. It’s been great watching you grow into the “Awesome” person and great wood worker You have become.
    Good luck with your future plans and remember to never give up.

  5. Wow.
    I’m jealous- moving to a huge [potential] ranch property AND towards family. That is a unicorn.

    I got into some [minimal] woodworking specifically because of some of your early videos (I built and use sawhorses of your design, among other things). But also like you, I like to make things beyond woodworking- completely rebuilt my bathroom a couple of years ago with skills I started developing through your videos and then a chicken coop for suburban life last year.

    Looking forward to what you come up with next.

  6. Congratulations for having the courage to follow your dream and work to make it happen! Best wishes for the move(s) and thanks for taking us along. Dave

  7. Sounds great, Jay~!! You guys have some exciting times ahead of your and your work cut out as well. You’re living out my dream, so I’ll be along for the ride living it out thru you (& the family). I can’t wait to see how things work out…in whatever form that comes in. I’ve been a fan of yours for years and have learned SOOOO much from you for my own woodworking…I don’t plan on stopping now.
    Congrats on everything and I’m very much looking forward to your upcoming content~!!

  8. Souds like what you are doing is in some way as the guys at ambition strikes.
    Clearing the land for the home and having the rural outlook.
    Well, done looking forward to seeing all your struggles and gains through the process.

  9. All the best to you and your family. It is a brave move but one that should be very rewarding. Lots of hard work ahead of you!

  10. Jay, I was hoping we’d be able to get together before you got out of the area but I’ve been so busy I didn’t get any time to even offer to help you get packed up. I wish y’all all the best! Keep the shiny side up!

  11. G’day y’all
    I’m really looking forward to your adventure as I can see you are.
    Stay safe but most of all have fun.

  12. Jay, I loved ya from the start and will continue until the end. I have had many, many new adventurers in my life and I know you will as well. Happy Trails

    HAPPY EASTER. Have a Blessed Day

  13. Jay at 37 my hat is off to you, I’m 75 amazing the similar values we have (had) you have everything to look forward to and live for I’m so happy for you, Godspeed.

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